Tomorrow is BellBurg's Boy's birthday. Since he is always there for all of us on our birthdays I thought it would be nice to say 10 things about him that are somewhat nice.
In no order other than numerical...
10. Like a real American, he likes to watch wrestling
9. He lives on Tybee and has never skimped on the hospitality that is somewhat forced on someone who lives near the beach
8. MDB3 loves the ladies, and some of the ladies can put up with him
7. He is a tall drink of water. This comes in handy when you are lost in a bar and trying to find your homies
6. He is smarter than he looks...except for when he wears glasses
5. Whatever you wanna say about the guy, you have to admit...the man has culture.
4. If you ever find yourself looking for something to do and there isn't a whole lot going on D Balls will drink with ya... a formidable opponent in the case race or other activities which involve drinking for the sole purpose of getting long as you agree to end the night at the quarter with him...and sometimes if you pass out, he doesn't mind. He will just go to The Quarter without you. No hard feelings.
3. Some folks can talk to ya about sports, some can talk to ya about history, some can talk about weird shit...dballs can do it all. I'm not saying he knows what he's talking about, but the guy can act like he knows what he is talking about better than most people can. He can probably converse on issues which he has no idea about better than some people who actually do know what they are talking about. And Donnie really values a good education. It has been reported that he is attending school in Statesboro. It has been said that I was there to visit him once; however, no evidence exists to confirm nor deny such a rumor.
2. He comes from good stock. MomBerg + BellBerg= MDB3 x (dixie dog(r.i.p.)/ ozzie dog)
1. Donnie and Georgie were the first people I met in Savannah that I liked. When my cousin Daniel said he would send two of his friends over to pick me up, well lets just say I was a little worried about what Daniel's friends would be like....any worked out well for most of us
So I decided that I need to stay in at least one night per weekend until I get my diploma, or at least until I finish my independent study course. I thought it would be a good opportunity, on my evening of reading, to take a break and do a good ole fashioned blog. It has been a long time since I've actually written something on here. Too often in today's fast paced world, folks just post videos or funny pictures; which is all good and fun, but after a significant drought of literature, I thought it would be a good time to make it rain. Student teaching is going well. Well enough that I still want to be a teacher. It certainly sucks when some kid has a shit attitude, but there are a lot of kids that are awesome and I sincerely feel like my being there is beneficial to them as students and as people, for both of us. Student teaching is the most time consuming 12 hours of credit I have ever worked towards in college. Non-paid internships suck and are comparable to indentured servitude, except that I'm not getting a free ride across the Atlantic out of this. Nip/tuck is easily the television show that I watch that is most obviously marketed straight to white trash America. Hey, it's a guilty pleasure and the show that I advertise least about watching. Considering that I watch Grey's Anatomy on the regular, that is saying something. The show is trash and I feel like I need to wash my clothes and take a shower after watching it.
The second episode of South Park was definitely funnier than the first one was.
I enjoyed watching the Georgia game today, which is the first time i've said that this season. I know that it was against Vanderbilt, but I think it was good for this group of guys to see what they would look like if they played well. I'm just gonna focus on the positive right now, and let yall figure out who to fire....cause im sure that Georgia's President and A.D. check the blogosphere on the reg to see what the fanalysts think. I think I just coined a phrase....
Always Sunny has been right on point all season long, and I couldn't ask for anything more. Conan and Colbert are always a nice night cap.
A lot has been said over the years about my over-stamped television dance i thought i would take a moment and go through my DVR and let yall know what the weazle watches when...(I am pretty sick of reading The House of Mirth for my class)
Sunday: The Simpsons(7), Curb Your Enthusiasm(9), Bored to Death(6), Mad Men(9.5), Californication (8.5)
Monday: Heroes (7.3), How I Met Your Mother (7), Accidentally on Purpose (5), Two and a Half Men (5), The Big Bang Theory (5.3)
Tuesday: Sons of Anarchy (9.5)
Wednesday: Modern Family (8), Glee (7.5), South Park (6-10 hard to average it), Nip/Tuck (3)
Thursday : Community (7), Parks and Recreation (8.7), Grey's Anatomy (8-9), The Office (7.8), 30 Rock (9), It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (10)
I actually deleted Saturday Night Live from my dvr last week because the show is humorless. The most perplexing thing about SNL is trying to figure out who is to blame for this shows rapid decline over the past couple of years. It may have started with casting, when they decided to get the kid who wasn't funny on "All That" to be not funny on "SNL" could blame the writer's because there are a lot of people on the cast of SNL who are funny on other shows and in movies...or you could blame the cast members themselves because they suck...and andy sandberg definitely sucks.
This post has probably been as entertaining as a recent Saturday Night Live...
In conclusion, as I sit here at my computer bleeding my heart out onto this blog, I can't help but think what used to be, back in the heyday of "Only in the Office"...I feel like I am on a sinking ship, and possibly my addition to the blog was Only in the Office's shark jumping moment. Haven't heard much from Carrel Fan. Has the captain jumped ship? DBalls bailed out. Sauers is like the creepy person who has one of those mirrors that looks like a mirror in the hallway but in actuality there is someone on the other side of the mirror staring at you from their room, which they never venture out of. Murray may have the DBalls Curse of being spread too thin in between blogs. And last but definitely not least, P Lowe is still fighting the good fight, and it seems like the golf posts have died down a lot, which may be the only thing keeping me with the blog.
I would ask the question myself...but I think I would rather let Ms. Cole ask it.....
This Thursday at the Sentient Bean Coffee House (I believe it is the one at the south end of Forsyth Park next to Brighter Day) The Two Man Gentlemen Band will be performing at 8 o'clock...they are a pretty awesome act and I can't believe they are playing at a coffee house and for free and in Savannah. I will be there, probably with some airplane bottles to Irish up my coffee, you should check it out if you feel like it.
Argh me matties, tis another year round the sparkling orb dey call the sun and dat can only mean one ting....Pirate Fest Oh Nine, All Mine.... What be in dee stars for Pirate Fest 09? Leave ye predictions here.
this be what i be doing to any scallywag dat tries to mess with me treasure...
they'll be waking up in davey jones' locker....
This could be me year to win the wenches contests, ye know i been robbed in dee past so dey better make it right dis year