Thursday, March 3, 2011


First matchup:


We put these two "things" together and ask the question: Which will make it come September to "play ball"?

The Collective Bargaining agreement between NFL owners and players is set to expire tonight at 11:59 pm. There hasn't been much progress made between the sides, and there isn't really a really for much optimism for the coming weeks/months. Carson Palmer doesn't seem to mind -- "I have $80 million in the bank. I don't have to play football for money." But that isn't the feelings of the NFLPA and many of its players. This may be a bit of a shock to some, but they don't want to take a pay cut and play more games. The owners want more money. What do they want to do with that money? Burn it, stuff their pillows with it, fans their animals, and buy hookers of course. Personally, I could care less what happens, but for every me and Carson Palmer (first and last time we'll ever be in the same sentence), there's millions of fans and hundreds of players that want this deal done.

Come Summer time, NFL players will miss the comradery...and a steady paycheck...

 Redskins' tomfoolery at it's best

 ...And fans will miss seeing their favorite NFL player being concussed on every other possession...

 Is that Cutler's "O Face" or "Oww Face"?

And now... Charlie Sheen

I don't know what to say. Maybe he finally watched an episode of Two and a Half Men and completely lost it. I think the saying goes, you can never have too many hookers and methamphetamines, but in Charlie's case, that may not be true. Or maybe. Let's be honest, we've all seen celebrities (Lindsey Lohan, the guy that plays Ironman, Tiger) mess up and then "come clean" to the public on TV. The hilarious/awesome thing in Sheen's case is, he doesn't give a shit about apologizing or coming clean. Nope, he just wants to run his mouth about "tigers blood", "winning or bi-winning", and "epic" things in front of a camera. Hell, he probably ended up snorting a line off that ABC reporter's anatomy after the interview. Charlie, I hate your show, but I love Major League. I'd wish you the best, but I don't think that's going to be enough.

Winner: the NFLPA

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