Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Tuesday fit for a recap

 I wake up and put my pants on just like any guy. After 2 cups of coffee, I'm feeling like this fella:

So, I'm out the door, and it's already 90 degrees. I'm sweating my ass off by the time I reach my car. It's early and I'm not much for stupid people, so I'd rather listen to a book on tape than Mike & Mike, but since I don't own many books or tapes, Juvenile would have to do.

Car -- parked. I now have to park in some crack ghetto neighborhood near school... I guess I could park in student parking, if I wanted to pay $275 for a parking pass that will come in handy for another week and a half. My building is in sight, but as I am walking past the brand new Cancer Research building something else catches my eye. And, apparently I caught his, but it didn't seem to ruffle the guys feathers; no, he continued to  look like a creep as he stood against the wall facing the building. I shake it off, but he was shaking off something too. And then, I see it: a stream of piss running between his legs. Hey buddy, "It may not be a going problem, instead, a growing problem." Hell of a start to the day.

I don't bring a lunch because I love going to the cafeteria and paying double the price for Chic Fil A and Firehouse. Turns out my teacher, who's the size of a tugboat, wanted to go right through lunch today. Lucky for me we've got a snack machine on our floor stocked with gum, Starbust, honeybuns, and Sun Chips. Sun Chips it is.

The best way to keep my attention is make me skip lunch and then keep me 30 minutes over the usual time class ends. If a career wasn't hanging in the balance, I may just tell them to suck it. Yeah, that would show them....

It was 6:30 when I realized I could drink wine for dinner. I just finished the "Charlie Gets Crippled" episode of Always Sunny, and I needed some food. Whenever I'm a little down, but still hungry, I turn to the one food that can cure any frown. Kid, I'm talking Greek food prepared by Mexicans in a mall food court. I'm talking Great Wraps gyro. He's the problem: you gotta go to the mall for one of these things. You know the little 4'3" sample ladies that throw those toothpicks with bourbon chicken at you as you pass? They just scream at you from behind their counters now. "You wann try thees chikhan?" No, thanks. (Louder and not asking this time) "You try thees chikhan" Damnit Su Chen, let me get my gyro. And I did.

You know how I know tomorrow's going to suck?

I gotta present my research to the faculty. Here's my poster:


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