Monday, September 6, 2010

Boise State > most of the field

I know they don't play anybody, and I have cared less and less each year. I'm pulling for Boise State tonight because they're more interesting than Ohio State and Texas. I'm not jumping on any wagon, and I am not asking anybody to do the same. Their level of competition is nothing compared to any of the big conferences, that's no secret, so spare me that argument. Boise State has done their part each of the last couple seasons: win 25 of their last 26 games. They have been given this one and only chance (through their #3 preseason ranking). Now, go and earn it.

Lose: OK. The debate is over.

Win: Uh oh BCS.

Let the Brent Musburger show begin!


Weazle said...

Why is Virginia Tech wearing Oregon State's uniforms?

Carrel_Fan said...

Almost as awesome as South Carolina's garnet camo on Thursday night.

Shane said...

BSU doesnt play anyone though.

Carrel_Fan said...

You're right, Shane. Their next game isn't until 9/18.