Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yepp, Thanksgiving

Hey guys, its early. Oh and forgive me, Mr. Turkey how are you? I couldn't sleep because I'm too excited! I'm a pretty humble guy, but I really like to show how humble I am from time to time. Sounds suspicious? I am being totally sincere! I want to share with you guys, a couple of things, that I am most thankful for. Maybe when I'm done, you guys can tell me what you are giving thanks for? That could potentially be kinda funny. Away we go!!

First off, I want to commend Brother/Coach Mark Richt. Thanks brethren, for putting Christianity before dominating,/impressive performances. Your team is a winner in God's eyes. I can only think of a few other Christian soldiers in the NCAA -- Timmy Tebow and those Mormons from Utah. I say big whoop. God loves humility and losers, and CMR is the next best thing. So keep on adopting those kids from the crappier Georgia; I swear it will translate on the "gridiron". Thanks.

I gotta wrap this thing up, wait that's what she said? Listen, I am thankful for Schiv and his steadfast resolve, (that was so Republican). I appreciate how cool he stays even though Murray takes his behind to the mother f'in cleaners on a daily basis. Yes, the cleaners. In the words of Jim Rome, 'I mean this isn't even a close one, hilarious'. I haven't seen Murray this fired up since he jacked up Deritter in physical education class. Yea, sneaks wit black socks. That shit is rough, but good on ya Schiv.

With a gobble gobble gobble...

Happy T'giving! Yea, abbreviations!


Barstool69 said...


I am thankful for you being thankful. I feel like I am an important facet in the blogosphere and in particular OITO. Almost half the posts you and Shane have made since coming back involve me. Rocky needed his Victor Drago. Heidi needed LC. Saracen needed J.D. McCoy. Hannah need Miley (not sure if that analogy works). So if I wasn't here it would probably be limited to topics like South Park or Mexicans.

Didn't we take Mexican together at BC from Senora Arnold? I believe that is where our friendship really took off. On Fridays when class got out I would always ask you what was going on that weekend and if you wanted to hang out. Your response was that you were probably just going to stay at your house and not do anything. But then I'd always see you actually I'm still waiting for an explanation there. Other than that, Happy Thanksgiving!


Charlie Dodson said...

Didn't we take Mexican together at BC from Senora Arnold?- Schiv.

Carrel_Fan said...

I a pupil of the great Senorita