Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What I learned from last night.

1. Sport coats w/ a t-shirt is the hot topic this fall.
2. We should have won trivia.
3. There are still some drinking teams with fishing problems left out there.
4. A violinist can play "I hate my dad" death metal.
5. In the next 5 years A-Rod will hit number 763 to hold the record.
6. Scent of a Woman is crap.
7. That guy chugged a 16oz beer faster than two others chugged a 12oz
8. Nurse Mokray is scarier than ever
9. People skills are overrated, Shane: "Dude, where the hell is our waitress?"
Hot waitress: "I'm right here."
10. Shane is tougher than all of us for punking out some poor ol' bum. WHAT!?

Winner = "Man, I hope I don't catch Asian." I think I'm turning japanese I really think so

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