Boy, we've got a lot happening on the television! From
cheeseball singers that can't get a record deal the old fashioned way to a show that has a woman as President, this year has sounded off like one of those really atrocious, rude farts. Yeah, a fart so bad that even you, yourself can't appreciate. TV has done nothing but suck since FOX told Ron Howard and
Arrested Development to take a hike. In this post, I will come clean about some of the bullshit that I watch, but I will also slam those horribly
faggy shows that others find entertaining. When it's all over just remember, I still like you guys but I hate your favorite shows.
This is....
American Idol. Again. I think we've had one
good idol and one
good looking idol. Yes, we still have that weird black guy trying way to hard -- "bringing
tha heat, fool" or "yo, yo, yo, yo, yo check this out yo.....
dawg". Yo
dawg, that's profound. Paula is still
livin' the dream, pounding
vicodin, and peppermint schnapps. Whenever she can muster up enough energy to pull he head off the table, she always adds something nice to the
conversation. Simon remains that retched, miserable Euro trash that seems to think it's OK to wear v-neck undershirts in public. The new judge seems nice, nope just hot.
Beep, beep, beep.
Twenty-four is mind numbing. I know I'm the
Mexican, whoops minority, on this one but come on. Your guy's can't honestly take that drunk, Jack Bauer, serious.
Kiefer is too busy
assing it up and drinking Jack Daniels to be believable. Everyone claims this show is the tits, but I'm too worried I might have a seizure from the 100 unnecessary explosion throughout 1 episode. If I had to chose between
24 and
Two and a Half Men, I would chose to turn the TV off and run to Wilmington. Charlie Sheen and
Kiefer, two complete messes that ruin my night.
Nip Tuck = Breast Cancer Show Ever! Christian has breast cancer, and the other guy, who plays Dr. Troy, got stabbed like 15x and is somehow just
chillin. Blah, blah, blah, blow J and scene. I have to say, nothing holds my interest like
meth addiction and plastic surgery. Look at the tits on that one! The most authentic thing I've seen on the telly in a while, an Indian super
prodigy doctor, at the age of 17.
FX is right on the money with that shit.
Time for some quick hitters cause this post is entirely too long...
Family Guy is the worst show on television. That's period.
Top Chef remains top 5.
- If you want heartfelt
storylines with a few laughs, look no further than this
oldy but goody,
- A down year for
the Office is still better than a Greg's House highlight reel.