Sunday, November 1, 2009

Better Late Than Never

I can honestly say that I am very lucky person. I have had the same best friend since I was born. Donnie and I have known each other since birth. Our families have always been good friends even before we were born. I do not consider D just my best friend, he is my BROTHER. I do not know how common it is for someone to stay best friends with someone since day one, but I am really glad we have been. Through all the years of my life I know that he has had and will have my back. He is just one hell of a guy.
Things about Don:
1) I know that if something happens to me and or my parent, I know my sister will be taken care of. We all know Donnie likes to joke around, but anyone messes with Erin, and my dad or I can't handle it; Hurricane Bell will be unleashed.
2) If I have not talk to Don and I am half way across the country and I need his help; he will be on the first flight out.
3) The Bell residence has always been a second home to me, and vice-versa with mine.
4) There has never been a more intense friendly rivalry than between him and I, whether it be video games, racquetball, ect. We both want to beat the piss out of each other; however, when its over its over. There is never any gloating or rubbing it in the others face.
5) Don is my back up best man in my wedding if my dad somehow is not capable of it, and he is also the Godfather to my first child.
Heres to you buddy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

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