Monday, October 11, 2010

State of The Weazle

I'm great, thanks for asking. I was watching Fried Green Tomatoes this past weekend, while grading papers; and, I heard a line that I thought fit my life right now. "I'm too old to be young, and too young to be old." That is sort of the inspiration behind the song at the top of the post. Also, Sonny and The Sunsets are pretty sweet. Oh, anyone with the music channel Paladiam, I believe on Wednesday, they will be airing the footage from the new Avett Brother's live album. The title of the program, so you can record it, is "The Avett Brothers Live: Volume Three"...I think. Yes Murray, I will save it on the DVR for you.

So, I do believe you all know that I got a new house, and a new school. I took it relatively easy this weekend to square away some work and home things. If any of yall think you are creepy, you ain't creepy like me until you show up at The Dollar Tree too early on a Saturday morning. That's right; I went to The Dollar Tree at 8:45, and they don't open until 9...slackers.

I believe by Friday I may be on top of everything again. It is nice to be getting my legs back underneath me, and I can't wait until the day I don't have anything I have to do for school or to keep my house from falling down or being repo-ed.

I'm going to be head coach of the freshman basketball team, so I've been practicing my "cut speech." How does this sound, "We really don't need should go try out for wrestling though, so people will think twice about telling you how bad you are at basketball."

I joined a writing club with some people I had English courses with at Armstrong. It is really cool. I feel like I am sharpening my ax for the classroom.

I have recently been rejuvinated by my new teaching strategy/philosophy. I will spare you the details for the time being. It seems to be working pretty well in the classroom. I no longer feel like I am herding cats.

I have been broadening my horizons, socially. I don't think it is any suprise or secret to anyone that the "old crew" hasn't really been rocking and rolling, like she used to. I guess it just makes it more special when we do get a group of us together. Unless yall are just having No-Weazle Parties, then screw you.

Since I have moved to West Thunderbolt (my new town), I have come to realize something. Donnie was right. Wilmington Island sucks. Sure it is a nice place to stay, if you want to be 95% sure that you won't get robbed. But, nothing beats the convenience of Midtown. Also, the restaurants of Wilmington get old fast. Plus, have you seen the people that live down there?

They're living in their white-bread world.

1 comment:

Charlie Dodson said...

It's safe to say that we are not having "Non-Weazle" parties. I guess things are just different.

Yes, Wilmington sucks.