Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Two for Tuesday

Two posts!!!

1. It's been a week since the Braves exited the playoffs. Lots of bad defense and good pitching. That's about all I can say about that. Bobby Cox is an all time great. He took a really team/organization and turned it into, with the help of GMJS, a perennial playoff contender. I was at Game 3 of the Divisional Series. It's probably completely unfair to do this, but I think that game can pretty much sum up this season and possibly the past 20 years: great pitching keeps us close, not much offense, a scrappy guy makes a play, heartbreak.

So since there's no Braves baseball to watch, here's what I'm watching:

- Conspiracy Theory with your host: Fmr. Governor Jessie "the Body" Ventura. I knew it all a long man; they're out to get us man. They've got our houses tapped and that old lady next door is always looking at me weird man.

Swamp People - 'Nuff said.

Eastbound & Down - There's no "I" in team, but there is a "U" in cunt.

2. We're learning about traumatic brain injuries right now. It's some pretty interesting stuff until you actually have to work with someone with a traumatic brain injury. They aren't very nice, and probably for good reason. There's all sorts of ways that a person can present, but here's an example of a guy I was evaluating today...

So, this guy in the video was a little bit nicer than the fella I talked with. He has a problem called Wernicke's Aphasia. It's a problem that affects the brains ability to comprehend and produce coherent speech. The guy in the video can still understand what the lady is saying, but when he speaks, nothing concrete comes out. The guy I was working with today told me this after I asked him his name, "I got to rocks and have times for in that it stood in a river." Okay. This went on for some time. He knows what he wants to say, but he can't comprehend what is coming out and therefore doesn't understand why I'm making the bitter beer face. I think I'll stick with broken bones and repaired shoulders/knees for now...

1 comment:

Weazle said...

I knew there was a name for the condition I have.