Monday, March 23, 2009

Heck Yes

My quest to "get mine" has taken a surprising and favorable turn. MCG gave me a call and said, 'yes' to which I responded 'ummm yes'. I never saw this jive coming which now makes me believe my days of saying stuff like "jive" are almost up. I'll do my best to grow up, but I'm not making any promises just yet.

My job has taught me quite a few things; People get hurt doing some retarded things, feet are nasty, professionalism often comes at a premium, and contrary to popular belief, proper grammar will never go out of style -- just to point out a few. I cannot put a value upon the many tools I will possess when I walk away from the SOC. Tell me this friends, an 80 yr old rips a less than discreet poot, can you mask your laughter seamlessly with a cough? No, you can't, but I can. I've got some way badass gems to tell, but I plan to start sharpening my professionalism trait right after this next paragraph.

Some will say, "Hey, at least the hard part is over. You got in!" And to that I say, "Hey, shut the fuck up." Not one bit of the next 3 years is going to be easy. I have sat through too many interviews, and told too many people how awesome I am for this shit to be a cakewalk. Bring on the hard shit because I'm ready to be one of the smart kids.

To all of the supporter, appreciate it -- well I guess half accomplished.

To the haters, got em.


Charlie Dodson said...

Congrats, bro.

You can still have your Christmas Party?

Carrel_Fan said...

sho nuff, just a different locale