Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today, Donnie and I went and looked at houses. We went to a realtors office who gave us a list of houses that were available, and none of them were is the city limits. We did find a badass three bedroom house for $950/month. Might be looking for another roommate... Jack.

Nathan's a.k.a"worlds worst food" has open another restaurant in Statesboro. I'll never go there.

There is a Robin Hood Drive and a Little John Circle in Statesboro, and you know someone was excited about that.
Looking foward to seeing the new Terminator.
Lets go Lebron and the Cavs. Michael Vick was released from prison today if you haven't heard or watched ESPN today.
Joey we will have to celebrate your birthday again this weekend.


PMac said...

We parked on Robin Hood Dr for my sister's graduation 2 weeks ago. Quality neighborhood. Saw numerous houses that had chairs sitting on top of the roof. My Dad was very impressed.

JJBA said...

If they re-open Pizza Inn I will move to Statesboro. Until then I will visit and go to Rude Rudy's with Snake.

DB <3 CA

AnneH07 said...

may be moving to statesboro in the fall so I might need somewhere to live!!