Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Predictions

I've got a few predictions for today.

- Tybee Island, GA will remember Ric.

- Shane will get drunk at Sting's within an hour of arriving at Tybee.

- The Syracuse/Louisville final will go at least 2 overtimes.

- I will make nice with the bartender of the Quarter.

- At some point, Andre's step dad will ask me, "Where's red?"

- We'll run into Donald the Squirrel Slayer at Doc's.

- Bunger will be at Donnie's.

- Peggy will not be impressed by my actions, but no hangover tomorrow!


Barstool69 said...

I guess you'll never know the answer to these because you left at 10:00

Carrel_Fan said...

The good guy always gets the girl, Schiv.

Barstool69 said...

Or alternatively, the girl always settles for the sure thing even though she should take a chance on the maverick.

Carrel_Fan said...

Good luck with the Asians. I hear they're pretty impressionable.

Charlie Dodson said...

Maverick? Goldwater!!!!!!!!!!!