Friday, June 12, 2009

Daly Does it Again

ESPN wrote a pretty good article about this guy and turns out even though his philosophy is all about the short cuts, it's working out for him. After pretty much of a train wreck of a life you would think that no one could bounce back and still stay afloat. Shoot, he's still got his head above water after spending more time in jail than QB #12 c/o '03. He's had more wives than my dad and is obviously passing down his attributes to his daughter. (had surgery to lose weight and said it worked so much for him that he's giving it to his daughter for her 17th bday.) C'mon john, you actually make the coolest kid with the initials JD; *" John Mr. Rain on my goddam shoulder Denver."* But seriously....I have to give it to him, he's done more than a lot of people can the rock star life of a celebrity and bring hollywood to the PGA. Something we haven't seen since Happy Gilmore did it back in the 90's. Welcome back. Oh yea, I took the liberty of google-ing John Daly and taking a look at the images. he lives the life better than slic. sorry slic, he's one upped ya'. I mean, look at the suits you have, which are GQ don't gimme wrong, but check out this guy's gittup.
*I'll give a scoobie snack for whoever can name who said that in a spectacular movie*


Pl0we said...

i agree Andrew

Carrel_Fan said...

2 guesses...

1. American Psycho
2. Wall Street

Shane said...

Great post!

I'd say either Meet the Parents or The Big Lebowski. Just guess though- I may be way off.

sauers6 said...

Joey's fav of all time. Drumroll- "Super Troopers"
Farva to Rabbit

Carrel_Fan said...

terrible movie

Charlie Dodson said...

Top 5 post.