Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Here are my show pitches...

Thanks PMac. I've been laughing a lot about the idea of Ric and reality TV. I've come up with a few shows that I think the public could really sink their teeth into.

1. "Mr. Saturday Night Special"

Ric is Mr. Saturday Night Special. The pilot episode will be Sept. 12, 2009. Yes, Athens town will welcome back its favorite son/spender/example. Every subsequent Saturday, our friend will hit all the hot spots in Athens, Atlanta, Savannah, etc. Ric will show us how to get down from 4 am to 4 am. The show will resemble Insomniac, the difference being Ric isn't intentionally being funny.

2. Slic Dic hosts "Skinemax"

Soft core porn at its creepiest. Skinemax wants you to use your imagination. No vag, no dic...just slic.

3. "Body by Ric"

One of my favs; Ric hosts a one hour, weekly fitness show. The man with that ruthless training regiment puts Buckhead's obese through the gauntlet.

4. "What not to do", by Ric

This could also be a subtitle for the "Mr. Saturday Night Special" show. Ric has made a few mistakes, but why not start making money off of them? That's sensible. Camera crews follow Ric on his weekend romps, and we see "what not to do" when absolutely plastered in public.

5. 60 Minutes w/ new host Ric

I couldn't resist. I know this is not the reality TV we had in mind, but 60 minutes? Ric? That's pretty damn funny. I don't think we've ever seen the news taken in a direction quite like Mr. Ric would take it. That last sentence made sense in my head. You get 60 minutes of news because that's what Ric's gonna give you, sugar tits!


Snuffy said...

Rick could take Andy Rooney's spot.

Pl0we said...

i like body by ric