Friday, August 21, 2009

Mom's Spaghetti

So, I disappeared for awhile. I've been doing some soul searching and much like Schiv's quest to become Savannah's first bro mayor, I too have realized my calling. I have decided to form a rap group. This rap group will be as real as it gets -- hood richness, bitches and platinum accessories etc... You know, the whole nine yards. Murray, step up to the plate and be somebody...


Pl0we said...

glad you are back and how is augusta?

Shane said...

If you listen close they'll be lots of benefits;
Your rhymes are wack and shits not amusin;
You ackin like Genesis with your audience in the Land of Confusion.

Put my D in your mouth and hush;
Send you're girl this way and I'll show her that Visible Touch.

(45 second - 1 minute rap version of Invisible Touch played)

(Just a first draft; still needs work- just brainstorming. I do realize I rhymed "amusin" with "confusion" and "benefits" with genesis" but the rules of the rap game allow this. It will just take a certain linguist to make this happen)

Carrel_Fan said...

Super cool shaner droppin smarty pants words like linguist, but this shit right here will tear your ass up have u callin your seamstress.

I play too much I'm so sorry, but I treat this shit like I'm on some Atari. Murray you alright, you OK in my book, but mess around with this fire too long and watch yo life get took.

anymouse said...

I would play the hell out of a song that samples Invisible Touch and includes all kinds of Phil Collins/Genesis references. And the drum breakdown from In the Air Tonight.