Friday, August 7, 2009

Where Have the Updates Been?

I have been a little dissappointed lately with the blog Flair for the Gold. There has been only one post since its inception. I have been patiently waiting to see what online business mr. Schwarz(t) will be operating. So whataya got Ric? Are there going to be any more updates? Also, what news is there on the video project that is being put together? Is this still in the works? It better be!


PMac said...

Hell I didn't know he had created another blog. As far as the videos are concerned, just know something big is in the works. I've been told to keep my mouth shut, so just be on the lookout.

Slic Ric said...

Well I'm still waiting on a flash drive. There is something big in the works though and that blog may be affiliated with it. How the hell did you even find that blog?

Shane said...

All you have to do is click on your name. That blog is old news!

Slic Ric said...

Why are you clicking on my name?

Shane said...

I didnt. Joey must have-- he told me about it. Just noting that by clicking on your name you COULD find all of that bloggers blogs.