Sunday, August 23, 2009

"You mean Jew York? It's fucking great."

I always thought that this guy did everything he could for baseball and America. He finally got the tribute he deserves...


Barstool69 said...

antisemitism seems to be at an all time high in the blogosphere as of late

Carrel_Fan said...

This is the first Jew post we've had in as long as i can remember.

Shane said...

And it really isn't antisemitic. If anything its deragotory towards New York.

To say that there is a lot of Jewish people in New York isn't doing anything but making a pretty obvious comment. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is a topic for another post-- one that we here at OITO would never make because our journalistic integrity.

Barstool69 said...

Carrel -

I used the term "blogosphere" meaning both of our blogs had posts about Judaism on the same day...

Goldwater -

How is it derogatory towards NY?

Urban dictionary def #2:

Used by anti-semites to describe New York. Refers to the high Jewish population.

"How can you stand living in Jew York", said the neo-nazi.

Sources such as wikipedia and urban dictionary can't be wrong.

Pl0we said...


Carrel_Fan said...

Sorry I didn't read my other blog today.

Shane said...


Let's say from now on we start calling you Jewstool. Is that anti-Semitic or anti-Barstool? Personally I think it is anti-Barstool.

Also, your urban dictionary quote doesn't really prove anything. I am sure that some anti-Semites somewhere love bagels. That in no way means that if you love bagels you hate Jews.

Barstool69 said...

Again, why is it anti-barstool or anti-NY?

Your "bagel logic" is so retarded, it's not even worth addressing.