Friday, December 25, 2009

Chappy Chaunakah

Hello Fiends (not a type-o),

It is officially Christmas. As myself and my father were enjoying a glass (or four) of Johnnie Walker Red (thanks Murray) and watching It's a Wonderful Life, I couldn't help but realize just how true the title of the film is. I am not typically the type of guy that buys into all of the hoopla that is a commercial and marketing field day, which is Christmas, but I still think it is a great time to truly appreciate all of the intangible things, meaning things you cannot touch, such as bromance and revelry...things you cannot touch, but know, without the shadow of a doubt, that their existence is real...things that all of us have in oodles. I am not going to make this long and drawn out because I don't think I posses the intellectual fortitude to continuously create complete sentences in this state of mind. Any who, I just want to take this time to show my appreciation to a bunch of guys that I did not grow up with, but nonetheless, have accepted me and my rambunctious life style, as one of their own. Although I will never have the warped love of BC that you all possess, or the fashion sense of a forty year old, I do have a great group of buddies...and that is something to hang my hat on. As the angel Clarence writes in It's a Wonderful Life, "No man is a failure who has friends", and based on that statement, I would say we are all far from failures...except for you, you know who you are. Now I must get to bed before Santa arrives.

Your Pal,


Charlie Dodson said...

Agreed. Murray sucks.

Weazle said...

I applaud your ability to find the underlying theme of this post

Shane said...

Ewww gross. Too many feelings...