Thursday, January 20, 2011


Once a weazle, always a weazle

One may be surprised at the weird stuff that emerges when one Googles images using the keywords: weasel & angel. Or not. Anyways, my grieving period is over. Sunday, we lost a valuable member of OITO or whatever we're called. Weazle was a great contributor for a pretty decent amount of time. He kept the masses guessing when he first arrived. Yep, Weazle was quite the hot topic. Though that new smell wore off, Weazle always kept readers thinking and in some cases, debating grammar and syntax. He always got the last lol or lmao or whatever.


You will be missed here. Trust that Sauers and myself and maybe Shane, but definitely Sauers if not me or Shane, will keep the fire burning. You will always be the OITO "wildcard". "It's gonna get weird."



Shane said...

That picture kills me.

Carrel_Fan said...

I'm very proud of that picture.

Weazle said...

mad love boo, til the end.