Friday, November 9, 2007

Top 5 Friday

Top 5 Heady Jambands

Well I can't think of 5, so we're gonna do a top 4. Any one can add to the list if necessary.

4. Grateful Dead - The weird grandpa of the jambands, that babbles a lot and has a heroin problem. These smelly cats started it all. If you haven't heard of them yet brother, you're a n00b for sure. Their face melting jams will have you searching for yourself, a grilled cheese sandwich, and some dooker shrooms!!!!

3. Widespread Panic - To quote a wook, "We love you Mikey." This is the love that is spread throughout the jam community, and it's thanks in part to these guys. They are definitely my favorite to hear some good ol' 35 minute drums and jamming sessions. I had my first hippy dance with Panic, for that I am ever grateful.

2. Wormsleow - Yeah I know, a bit of a surprise that they aren't at the #1 spot. These guys have been on somewhat of hiatus. Could they be getting a little to mainstream? Let's hope not. The Wormsleow community is like none other. With Scary as the Tour Manager/Chick Magnet, the party doesn't stop until the sun comes up.

1. String Cheese Incident - What a wacky name! I never knew that country and heady face melting jams could mesh so well. They even went global and got a china-man to play the violin. Those Asians sure are smart and talented. Don't worry he's been vaccinated, so nobody (including Shane) is in danger of catching Asian at the shows.

So crack open a Red Stripe, look done at the ground, keep your lower body still, and flail your arms all over the place. Yeah, there you go. You're one with the music d00ds.

I gotta say, this might be the best post yet. Pretty good.