Friday, May 7, 2010

Better Late Than Never

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. I don't really have a reason as to why it has been, but I am sure the politicians are to blame. As an independant voter, I find that all the fence sitting just causes me crotchal pain (which is slightly worse than T-Pain). I was gonna get into a thing about the ills of a large federal government and taxing the rich to give to the lazy. I was then going to counterbalance it with the irony of Bobby Jindal begging for federal cheese to clean up the Gulf, yet questions spending federal money on another state's natural problems. Instead, I am going to talk about poop. The results are in. Having had fifteen voters (I'm sure none of you voted twice), I will now use the knowledge I gained in a 12th grade statistics class to give you the results.

the mean= 2.033r poops per day
the median= 1.5 poops per day
the mode= 1.5 poops per day
the range= 4.5 poops per day

On that note, a happy Friday to all and to all a good weekend. You can find me at The Rail today from approx 3:50-until enjoying their awesome happy hour...maybe a little Vinnie Van Go Go's for dinner, I don't know if we will have enough time! And don't forget to celebrate the woman who brought you into the world; Sunday is Mother's Day.

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