Monday, May 10, 2010

Sports Desk

Lots of happenings in the past few weeks, and I can't keep my mouth shut any longer. The Wide World of Sports has given me so much material, that it's taken me several days to organize my thoughts. Even with the time to get it straight, the next few paragraphs are probably going to be a mess, so please accept my apologies.

Where to begin? Ahhh, Lawrence Taylor. We should have known he was trouble when he broke Joe Theismann's leg in half (Shane don't watch). At least he didn't hurt the face. LT has a long history of crack, cocaine, and other social/non-habit forming drug use. All in all, nothing too alarming. I mean, this guy used to get jazzed up on heroin and drive a NASCAR around the track, so worse has been done. But when I heard the news that LT raped a young girl, I was shocked not surprised a bit. That was like hearing Keith Richards snorted his fathers ashes. Given the person (and LT is a train wreck of a individual), some things just don't sound the alarm like others. In no way am I making light of the act of rape because it is absolutely horrible. I think he should be punished to the fullest extent.

Can we take a step back and look professional sports, along with those who play them? For some reason, the NBA still gets the label as the thug league. I continue to scratch my head at that idea. Yes, some Indiana Pacers players and Detroit fans hit each other in the head a few times. We would've never had that problem if we would have just sold Michigan to Canada a long time ago. NBA players are black, rich, and tatted up. They cheat on their wives, smoke weed, and carry guns -- everything a normal guy would do if they had money. But Gilbert Arenas hasn't killed anyone, and even if he would've shot his teammate -- come on the guy went to Tech. I'm just joking! All I'm trying to say is that for every JR Smith and Gilbert Arenas, the NFL offers a Pacman Jones, Tank Williams, Ray Lewis, Vikings team party boat, Bengals roster, and so on and so forth. The NBA: Where caring happens, damnit!!!!!

So, I have convinced you that football is bad. I still love it, but those big men are so scary! NBA has got to be 2nd on the Gangstability List right? Wrong. Lacrosse has climb to the two spot, and Virginia apparently is no longer for lovers. That kid needs to be put away for a very long time for a couple of reason: 1. you shouldn't kill people; 2. don't kill the good looking ones. We can only hope that the Duke lacrosse team doesn't act out in fear of losing anymore street cred.

Sorry about all that.

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