Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Simsdawg Millionare

If it weren't for Facebook, I wouldn't know when my own birthday is; but thanks to it, I know it is Joey's birthday.

Some things about Joey:

-Fun dude to drink with. If Joey is down to drink, it usually doesn't take much more convincing to get me into the mix.

-He is a goofy dude.

-He knows that sometimes you gotta spill some booze to make a saki-bomb.

-He will one day be a doctor and will be able to diagnose my rashes at parties.

-He clears about 80 percent of the things he tries to jump over. The awesome part is the other 20 percent.

-He is usually down for an adventure (Chowtime Yum Yum).

-I now have a place to stay in Augusta.

-Despite his hiatus, now, we are the only things making OITO the best blog in America. In fact, only in America could a blog like this be the best.

1 comment:

Shane said...

Here. Here. Three cheers for a fine young cadet.