Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fav GA Cities...and reasons why

1) Tybee Island: beachbum parade,Big Kahuna, sand, breakfast club, tidal pools(no ponds), House of Lowe, House of Bell, YMCA, Randy Hatman, Andrew Jackson, Scandals, 4th of July, Sundaes, umbrellas, fishing, ballads, and Jaycee Park (My personal driving range), John COUGAR Mellncamp.
2) Savannah: St. Patrick's Day, downtown, Joey's House, Wet Willies, BC, Cancun, J. Christopher's, Shane's former house downtown, and Kevin Berry's
3) Athens: football games, downtown, girls sometimes believe my b.s., donnie's former residence, Barberitos, Little Italy, toppers, Kappa Alpha House.
4) Statesboro: football games (better luck next year Eagles), 190 octanes, skanky freshmen girls.
5) Augusta: the Masters, really nothing else, just did not want to put Atlanta in this list.


Shane said...

Just because tybee has a volunteer mayor doesnt mean they are a city.

Carrel_Fan said...

i like Thunderbolt, it's very quaint

Charlie Dodson said...

J Christopher's? Really?