Saturday, December 20, 2008


OMG you guys! I was totally freakin excited for Christmas Party Part Deux, but now I'm just freakin! OMG! We have so much stuff to do to prepare for the party, and don't even no where to begin. Wait, the party is off. I mean I asked the other members of the party planning to get white lights, and the got the f'in colored ones! What a bunch of idiots, and now this party is ruined. I wanted to get an assortment tray of veggies, meats, and fruit, but Publix lost my order. And now people might have to fend for themselves when it comes to food! Oh NO! I couldn't sleep last night because all I could think about was how much the party is going to blow. Worst. Party. Ever.

In my best Slic voice, "Ha". We have some big shoes to fill after last night, but last night was last night. Christmas Party cannot be rivaled, you want to know why? Ask me. Because we are celebrating the way God would like us to. Tonight is going to be a continuation of last year's @ Club 1308. Just a change in venue babies! I'm not making much of an effort, I know this man. I do pledge one thing, my friends you will wake up tomorrow and regret one thing you did Saturday night. And I mean that in the best way possible, from the bottom of my heart. Some members or honorary members are doing way too much, leaving room for 808's and Heartbreaks. Christmas is supposed to be about hanging out with your main bro's and ho's, listening to some crunchy tunes, and drinking brown liquor/keg beer. If you want to make a fool out of yourself, that's okay. I don't throw stones in this glass house.

A few rules:

DO NOT be tacky, this party is strictly for the grown and sexy.
DO bring some holiday cheer aka dollar bills.
DO NOT poop in the downstairs bathroom, that's just trashy.
GUYS keep it classy.
GIRLS come all ye faithful, and keep it skanky.
