Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Tonight, South Park will be celebrating their 200th episode. In honor of this epic event, I would like to celebrate the unsung hero's who helped drive the show. It's a "Where are they now?": South Park.

Pip Pirrup -
Best known for his role in season 4's, Great Expectations, Pip's character has faded from South Park. Last heard, Pip's green card was revoked. Pip was horrified to learn that, yet again, he was mistaken for a Frenchman and sent there to live...Tennessee style.

Goth kids -
Apparently, Goth kids aren't well received in South Park either. With Hot Topic gone, where are the Goths to go? Duh, Seattle. The job market is tough for those who wear black on black with a little more black. Some have been lucky enough to find work as cutters, I mean carvers at the prime rib stations in local buffets.

Chef -
And y'all thought he was dead. Chef just went Tupac on our asses. He and other Scientologists have traveled back to their planet to battle Xenu, with the hopes of regaining control of the Galactic Confederacy. God's, no L. Ron Hubbard's speed, Chef.


Weazle said...

Whatever happened to that Blanket kid's dad?

Shane said...

I always wondered where the underpants gnomes went?

Step 1: Steal Underpants

Step 2: ?

Step 3: Profit

Carrel_Fan said...

Ever wonder what happened to Lemmewinks? Well, let's just say that was one anus adventure too many.

Carrel_Fan said...

I'm sure that "Tennessee style" link made a lot of sense. Fixed it...dang I got a lot to learn about this blogging stuff.

Weazle said...

It's alright; I am grading on a curve.