Thursday, April 8, 2010

First pitch set for Beer:30

The Savannah Sand Gnats kick off the 2010 season with Thirsty Thursday home opener. As always, it should be a hot mess. I have a ton of great memories from these games, and I know you do to. I'm gonna try and remember them as best I can, but you can always add to any when you see fit.

- Back during the BC days, Shane, Jack, Rick, and myself attended an "All you can eat" Monday. I have never seen someone eat as much as Rick did that night. Those hot dogs and peanuts and pizza and nachos left me with a feeling in my tummy that only Uncle Otto's could rival.

- Way back when, maybe even the days of the Savannah Cardinals, me and big bad dude were sitting in the bleachers down the first baseline. Of course, there were about 100 people in the entire stadium, but another dad/son duo sits right in front of us. Duder showed them. Not one but two foul balls were hit our way, and the man himself reaches over top of the little squirt for both foul balls. There were some groans after the first grab, but the entire stadium came down on dad when he snatched the second away from that kid. Dude responded with a big sip of beer and wave to all of his new friends.

- "Hey kid, you wanna rock to play with?" It was probably only the 3rd or 4th inning, but we had all pounded as many beers as we could stand. This little 'tard is trying to steal a rake from the bullpen...THROUGH A CHAIN LINK FENCE. I have no idea who the player is that said that memorable quote, but that right there was his defining moment.

- Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the same kid who's dad tried to get him to eat a bug the size of a baseball in exchange for a ride home after the game? Seems like a straight up deal. That old guy had a laugh that one could never forget. Trying to describe it right now would never do it justice.

- Is there a better way to promote safe driving than on Thirsty Thursday? No way. 70% of that crowd drove home hammered that night. Hell, I lived right around the block, and I drove just out of pure spite.

- Double header rain outs = Hey fans, you're welcome to hang of and drink for as long as you like. I still can't get the theme to Pirates of the Caribbean outta my head.

- You know what would be an awesome promotional giveaway? Let's give those drunk assholes rubber balls. No, they would never throw them on the field all at once while the game is going on. Oops. Mr. War Ball would have lost his mind if he saw that site.

- Officer Dixon v. the armed forces who have a particular disdain for pink shirts

- The laser show brought to you each and every week by everyone's main man, TP.


Weazle said...

it took me way too long to figure out what the title of the post meant.

Carrel_Fan said...

Shane gets me.

Weazle said...

In the land of the blind...

PMac said...

Uncle Otto's = Never again