Monday, February 23, 2009


I made it. This weekend felt a bit like a race, and to quote 8 Mile's B. Rabbit, "Yeah they call me rabbit; this is a turtle race." Good movie. We learned a lot about each other or maybe I just learned a lot about you guys.

As a group, it's safe to say that no one can "get up" for a night out like we can. I don't think Athens is ready for our passion and will to win every night. Watch out Athens.

My friend JJ is the hype man of the group. I hear those "ohh ohh ohh ohh" chants in my sleep, and I wake up to find myself jumping in the bed. Back and chest bumps abound. He was dubbed a puppy dog early on this weekend, not so fast my friend. JJ also likes girls, ad he wants one. I'm going to begin pre-production of a new reality series starring JJ and his quest for "true" love.

Andre drank Saturday. He showed us how to party like a local, but still maintain that midwest feel. If he was a car, Andre would have been Big Foot. Legendary, a true spectacle yet strangely refined and elegant. He was hurtin today and not for a squirtin. You guys are nasty.

P Lowe was rockin and rollin and filming, again. He and JJ almost fought, that would have been weird. P and Bunger seemed to connect in a special way this weekend; it was nice. Thanks for the invite to yesterdays festivus.

Shane never disappoints me, ever. Me and Shane dubbed cheesed this shit out of Tyb and the Temple, and it was tits. One might venture to ask, did you drop fire bomb squad on that spread? Wizard, brah. I like Shane, Shane likes Joelle. It was a good weekend.

Donnie is my friend too. He still likes to do that betting thing. I brought my poker face and drinking stomach to Tybee Time, and showed Don that I could drink those 2 hurricanes**. Apparently, I missed a "goodtime" in Buckhead, but you missed out on Fr. O'Brien's speech yesterday at the Baptist Temple.

Super excited about Athens.

** Side note, the earth stood still yesterday when Hurricane and Connolly shook hands.


Charlie Dodson said...

2 hurricanes and still kicking- now that's impressive.

Killer song selection.

It's going down this weekend.

AnneH07 said...

i am all for this reality series for "JJ", boys. make it happen!

Pl0we said...

Your are definately welcome Joey. We are going to do it all over again next year and Don is coming too. Athens is going to be awesome.