Sunday, April 19, 2009

Piggy What? Piggy Who? PiggyBack

I am in a total state of confusion when people don't hyperlink words with their definitions or at least a wikifinition. So when my beloved Only in the Office was condemned for "piggybacking" on Only in The Americas, I felt compelled to find out what it means. However, being an American I figured I could figure it out with out getting all fancy with or wikipedia. So after looking at the two blogs I have figured out what it means to piggyback something. If Only in The Office is piggybacking Only in The Americas, piggybacking must mean that Only in the Americas gets all of its blogging ammunition by commenting on the occurrences of Only in the Office. If it weren't for Only in the Office and slic rick's wild events Only in The Americas would have nothing to blog aboot (for our Canadian readers). I would say quit being a hater barstool, but your constant commentary on all things Office serves as a reminder that someone is reading. Peace be unto you and may the hate rain down like the rainiest rain storm to ever reign rain.


Barstool69 said...

I think viewing anything beyond the original action as piggybacking is a logical fallacy. I can claim that right now you're piggybacking off of OIA's piggybacking of OITO's original piggybacking. It would be like a never ending story. Once the original piggybacker is known, I don't see any point to exploring it further.

Sure, I occasionally comment as to the goings on of OITO but if you look at my post history as a whole, I think you'll see that it's a relatively low overall percentage. Not sure if the same could be said for you, Weazle.

Weazle said...

I was hoping you would say something