Saturday, April 25, 2009

Snuffy's Wedding Rehearsal Recap

Rehearsal would be the correct word but I prefer the word practice and some people take practice more seriously than other. I just so happen to be one of these people. There was an open bar. I liked that. It seemed to be extra open after the first 45 mins or so. I saw a bottle of Maker's Mark and instantly knew I had to rep for my boy slick ric (substituted cranberry juice for coca-cola...sorry big dog), who was stuck on some part of 16 at the moment. This was the second time I have walked the hollowed halls of ole BC and I thought I entered a time portal and ended up in 1962. The bartender's mullet kinda psyched me out though because he was about twenty years futuristic for the 1962 motiff. I woke up today still feeling the effects and wondering if I can come back from such a tough practice and still be in impact player in the real game tonight. It was a tough practice but I earned the MVD award...Most Volumnous Drinker. However, just like Bird brought the best out of Magic, so will slick ric bring out the worst in me. The food was excellent, I can't believe yall's high school cafeteria serves prime rib...fancy boys. I look forward to the food and booze tonight...i got a sneak peek of the grub at the tasting and it was f-in good. I got about five hours to sober up before game time and i feel confident about my ability to make it respectable tonight....depending on your definition of respectable. Lookin forward to the recap of the draft later on tonight because the draft itself is the most boring thing in the world to watch...I'm looking more forward to when all this draft talk will stop on ESPN. Look for me to go in the late third or early fourth round.

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