Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vapor Bar?

What is the over/under on how many summers it will take for Tybee to get one of these?


Barstool69 said...

GA just passed a law last year outlawing them. Once these things get made illegal, it's hard to find legislators that want to be seen pushing for the legalization of vapor bars.

Weazle said...

i guess we are going to have to drink our booze like all the other schlubs

Barstool69 said...

Yea Pat, you could take the easy way out. Or you could get up and do something about it. You could call your friendly Tybee state rep Burke Day and tell him how you feel. You could get him to sponsor a bill that does away with the nasty Vapor Bar prohibition. Because when it comes down to itl, this county values freedom above all. And damnit, we should be allowed to walk into the a Tybee bar, get drunk off alcohol vapors and sing karaoke.

Weazle said...

yea, i don't really feel that strongly about ingesting booze via vapor...i'd have to try it and really like it before i would go to those extremes

Shane said...

I think I would really enjoy smoking booze.

Weazle said...

yea, but you wouldn't want to exhale because there goes your booze...just like throwing up thirty dollars worth of 4 dollar bourbon and cokes

Shane said...


you can't throw up thirty dollars worth of 4 dollar bourbon and cokes.

You can throw up $28 or $32 worth of bourbon and cokes but you can't through up $30 (total--not including tip of course... who tips anyway? That's for chumps)

Boy is it lonely being the smartest person EVER!!!

Weazle said...

Goldwater, you made the mistake of assuming that the vomiter vomits 100% of what they drank/payed for...keep crunching them numbers though, leave the science/logic to others

Carrel_Fan said...

Ric tips